The evolution of retail media networks is accelerating, fast. As these networks grow in number, scale, and diversity of offering, the opportunities for brands are growing right alongside. But so are the challenges to creating ROI-maximizing retail media network (RMN) strategies. In the latest article in The Drum, Zach Weinberg, VP of e-commerce at Matterkind, sets out the key considerations for successfully navigating the RMN ecosystem. Read the full article here.

To read more about how commerce, affiliate and other performance solutions are providing clients with +30% growth, visit our Outcome Navigator page.

Performance marketing has quickly become the darling of the digital marketing world. Of all the available channels, lead generation campaigns are among the most important, effective implements in the marketer’s toolbox, but they’re also the most potentially complex – and misunderstood. In the latest article in The Drum, Matterkind’s VP of lead generation strategy, Wendy Herzberg, lays out a four-point customer-centric blueprint for ensuring lead gen success.

Read more about lead generation in our blog article, 3 Ways You Could Be Growing Your Business Through Marketing.

While many marketers are trying to spruce up their current technologies and bring new concepts to the table in 2023, one of the vital areas of opportunity that should not be forgotten is affiliate marketing. While affiliate marketing has been around the block a time or two, a lot has changed over the years, and it’s worth exploring for your brand. Affiliate marketing is a tried and true strategy with new features as an integral part of highly measurable, full-funnel marketing plan.

Sean Popen, EVP of Matterkind, understands the true power of affiliate marketing and wants you to harness its abilities. In a recent article on The Drum, he outlines five reasons why affiliate needs to be part of your 2023 marketing plan.

Check it out here now.

Performance-based marketing is on the rise, and it’s no wonder—the past few years have been tough on brands, and with tight budgets, marketers know they need to prove the impact of their campaigns.

These disruptions brought on rapid digital transformation, and reshaped both customer behavior and expectations. We know that outcome-based approaches have given rise to a new era of performance marketing that can deliver not only more predictable, sustainable, solid figures and results. Even in the light of economic uncertaintity.

Marketers know that during unpredictable times, their work is all too often placed on the wrong side of budget constraints, so it’s no surprise we’re seeing a surge in outcome-based marketing practices that deliver proven returns on ad spend.

Here at Matterkind, we want to show you how marketers can take advantage of these new outcome-based trends and techniques.

Download Six Outcomes of A New Generation of Performance Marketing here to learn more.

Research clearly proves that investing in marketing during times of economic crisis yields strong business results. Performance marketing is a CFO’s dream—with the ability to drive measurable growth for every dollar spent, it’s no wonder that it’s the preferred option in an unstable economic climate.

While branding and performance are traditionally seen as opposite extremes of the funnel, performance tactics are making their way up. Brands can use performance marketing to drive awareness and build relationships, and are able to use performance marketing for lead generation and to build out their own first-party data. Performance channels are evolving to deliver relevant, respectful experiences and build long-term customer relationships.

As we enter a time of economic instability, brands should be looking for solutions that can help them maintain growth, even if budgets are limited. Learn more about how performance marketing is essential in this AdExchanger article by Matterkind EVP, Sean Popen, here.